1 million Arabs “are not worth a Jewish fingernail.”


Several hundred extremist Jews gathered here with their automatic rifles, their anti-Arab slogans and their deep anger Sunday to eulogize Baruch Goldstein as a righteous hero for slaying 48 Palestinians in a Hebron mosque two days earlier.

While the massacre continued to trigger street clashes across Israel, and to bring strong condemnation from Jews and Arabs alike, the funeral of the Brooklyn-born doctor responsible for the latest Mideast crisis became a rallying point Sunday for right-wing Jews.

“The act itself was one of greatness. It was a great act of sanctifying the Name (God),” said Noam Federman, a spokesman for Kach, the relatively small extremist group that counted Goldstein among its members. “And me, a little man, compared to him, the great, can’t condemn it.”

Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, in paying homage to Goldstein, told mourners that even 1 million Arabs “are not worth a Jewish fingernail.” And angry voices in the congregation shouted, “We are all Goldsteins!” and “Arabs out of Israel!”  LA Times.