Isreali gov genocide in gaza

mass murder vy starvation

genocide /jĕn′ə-sīd″/


  1. The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.
  2. The systematic killing of a racial or cultural group.
    “the Nazi genocide of Jews left few in Germany or Poland after World War II”
  3. The systematic killing of substantial numbers of people on the basis of ethnicityreligionpolitical opinion, social status, or other particularity.
Source:  The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
Sad what is going on in Gaza right now.  Israel created HAMAS with it’s aparthite treatment of the people still living in Gaza.  Netanyahu is obviously a war criminal in the mold of Hitler. To the Jewish/Zionist thugs that are beating up campus protesters … I say go to Hell and you are a disgrace to the Jewish faith.  I know that not all Jews in Israel support Netanyahu’s Gaza genocide campaign in Gaza … But to the Israeli soldiers that are killing Palestinians, I hope you all die or have to live with what you have done and rot in Hell for all eternity. The only people that are celebrating are the military industrial contractors that Eisenhower warned us about. — Bob 5/8/2024

War Unbound  Gaza, Ukraine, and the Breakdown of International Law  By Published on 

Blinken Says Israeli Units Accused of Serious Violations Have Done Enough to Avoid Sanctions. Experts and Insiders Disagree. 5/8/2024
MEMO To  Mr. Netanyahu:  What is it that you wish? – To kill/starve to death all 2 million humans in Gaza to get the land for greater Israel.  You are a modern day Hitler Mr. Netanyahu.  You created HAMAS with your aparthihight policy toward those living in Gaza.  You are clearly a War criminal that needs to be taken out back and shot dead.  You are a despicable human being that needs to be off this planet ASAP.  Do the right thing an end your life.  Hitler did it, so can you.

Suggest that folks who care about what is going on in Gaza right now send a letter to the (Jewish) Anti-Defamation League in New York City with the following questions about the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza.

  1. Is questioning the Israeli government genocide in Gaza anti-Semitic?
  2. How do you reconcile with those in the Netanyahu coalition in Israel that believe that one hair of a Jew is worth 1 million Arab lives?
  3.  Why are US taxpayer dollars going to support genocide in gaza?  Does your organization support Netanyahu? 

Anti-Defamation League,  605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-3650  Atten:  Ben Sax  Chairman of  Board.

Netanyahu: How is your Right wing Zion project going? … where are you going with this?  What is in your Hitler mind?  Is your goal to kill/starve to death all 2 million human being in Gaza?  And for what?  The Land?  Is this the best of the Jewish tradition?

Israel obviously created HAMAS.  1200 dead on the Israeli side and perhaps some hostages still alive and then 30,000+ human being in Gaza killed by US taxpayer supplied bombs/aircraft.  For what purpose? – is it just the Gaza land you want Mr. Netanyahu?  Do want to kill/starve to death all 2 million human beings in Gaza for the greater Israel Zionist Project.  Face it Netanyahu – you are the creator of a genocide that we have not seen since Hitler.  Do the honorable thing and end your existence on the Planet.  Do you want people to hate Jews for the next 100 years?  – Bob 4/18/2024

Blinken Is Sitting on Staff Recommendations to Sanction Israeli Military Units Linked to Killings and Rapes by the IDF  A special State Department panel told Secretary of State Antony Blinken that the U.S. should restrict arms sales to Israeli military units that have been credibly accused of human rights abuses. He has not taken any action. – 4/17/2024

The Best Way to Deal With Gaza’s Humanitarian Crisis  Israel Should Let the Palestinian Authority Deliver Aid  By 

The Only Way for Israel to Truly Defeat Hamas  Why the Zionist Dream Depends on a Two-State Solution  article at

The killing of young kids by Isreali snipers is digusting and do not think the best of Jewish tradition.  Starvation of a whole population of human beings in Gaza – for what?  Land.  Is that part of the best of Jewish tradition?  I know that not all Jews support what Netanyahu is doing … but the killing of kids.  Isreal created HAMAS – and is now on the warpath all supported by US taxpayer dollars … The ruling party in Isreal is no better that the Nazis – wanting to exterminate a whole population in Gaza – is that what Isreali Judism has become?  vengance & Death?  And starvation of women and children?  May you all rot in Hell.  – Bob in San Francisco

Is Netanyahu a new Hitler?  By exterminating a whole population in Gaza.  Does Isreali Zionism represent the best of Jewish tradition?

petition to Stop the War. - as if they do any good.
Netanyahu = Death to 2 million human beings in Gaza … Is it just Land you want for Isreal?  And all of it funded by US taxpayers $$.  Biden where are you in this genocide?

Singapore orders Israeli embassy to remove Facebook post about Palestine, Koran

UN mourns the deaths of more than 100 aid workers in Gaza, the highest number killed in any conflict in its history
To Netanyahu: What goes on in your mind? – 1200 killed in Isreal – and you have ordered the killing of more than 30,000 human beings in Gaza  (mostly women and children) …  is that what you want your legacy to be? – Think you are one sick old man in my opinion – have you thought of suicide? – Hitler did it.  Are you the best repersentative of the Jewish traditon?  Anti-semitism will live for another 100 years based on your actions in Gaza. Zionism?  

Message to those in charge of the Zionist Jewish Project in Isreal:   look in the mirror – you folks created this by turning Gaza into a minimum security prison – and you got the result – 1200 of your citizens killed – your forces even killed 3 of the Hamas hostages … and then you turn around an kill 30K plus women and children with US taxpayer supplied bombs … where does it End? – Don’t think bombing and starving to death 2 million people is the answer.  Is the Land worth it?  Is this consistant with the Jewish tradition?  My sense is thata anti-semitism will live for 100 more years by your actions in Gaza. Is Netanyahu the best leader for your times?

History … Joe Lieberman RIP (b 1942 d March 27, 2024 (age 82) … curious what he would think of Netanyahus murder Project in Gaza.

And what about Rosevelt? – put Jap US citizens in consentration camps so his supporters could get the thier land on the cheap .  The Demo party was the party of the KKK and machine politices in Chacago.  – Jus some thoughts from an old Bob – 3/29/2024 in the Bayview of San francisco


Even Senator Schumer thinks that Netanyahu might not be the right man for the times in Isreal.  Text of Senator Chuck Schumer’s speech

How Biden Can Get Tough on Netanyahu – March 14, 2024

Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to keep job after Gaza war, poll finds 

1200 people in Isreal killed, 30,000+ in Gaza.  Is Netanyahu’s goal is to to kill all 2 million in Gaza by starvation for the land of Gaza?  Is the land worth it?  What do you think Mr. Zuckaberger or Mr. Soros?  Just curious – Bob in SF

And Biden?  What are his pupit masters advising him to do?  Provide more bombs to Isreal (at US taxpayer expense) to kill more human beings in Gaza?

Message to the citizens of Isreal:  Stop the Killing in Gaza or anti-semitism lives for another 100 years.  Is the land of Gaza really worth the price?  Is starving to death 2 million people consistant with the Jewish Faith?  The ball is in your court the people of Isreal.  The Future is not our to see.  (Bob 3/19/2024)

Message to: Mr. Netanyahu you are definitely channeling Hitler with the intent to kill all Palestinians in Gaza – either with bombs or starvation.  Curious, what goes on in your sick mind?  Even Biden and the rest of the World are appalled and what you and your army are doing in Gaza … and what for? – is it the Land you want for the “Jewish People”?  Are you like Roosevelt that put Japanese citizens in the US in concentration camps so that his rich supporters could get their land on the cheap?  Consider suicide (the only honorable way out – or would you like the World Court to convict you of war crimes and put you on Napoleon’s island in the Atlantic so you canbe stopped in your killing of human beings in Gaza that had no connection with Hamas. Think you are one Fucked up A-hole and hope you are stopped by folks that are at a higher pay grade than me.  As for the anti-Semitism thing – you are creating 100 years of blaming Jews for the atrocities you are doing in Gaza right now – is this what you want Brand Judaism to be remembered for? – Sincerely, Bob in the Bayview of San Francisco 3/14/2024

Netanyahu – killing kids by starvation  – one hair of a Jew is worth 2 million Arab lives?  Please, for the sake of the World end you life Now.  You are one sick bastard.  Stop the whole Zionist Project before it is too late.  Kill yourself before you kill by bombing and starvation more women and children in Gaza.  Is the Gaza land worth all the deaths you have generated.  Think of how all this refects on Brand Jew.  Is your goal to keep anti-semitism alive?  How can you live with yourself?  Please, end your life Now.  Are you the best of the Jewish tradition?

Is Netanyahu the new Hitler?

  1. My advice to Netanyahu:  Do the right thing and end your Life Now.   Hitler did it – so can you.  End the madness you have created.  Hair of a Jew = 1 million Arab lives does not play well in the World and not good for relations between Jews and others in the World …
  2. Message to the People of Isreal:  Is Netanyahu the person you want to repersent you in the World?  My sense is that Netanyahu is not the man for the times we are living in and suggest that those in Isreal organize to Stop the killing and starvation of human beings in Gaza.  Myt sense is that the actions of the government of Isreal is destroying Brand Jewish for next 100 years and will only provide amunitition for anti-semites worldwide.  Is this what Isrealis wants to be known for?
  3. Message to the powers that be in Washington – stop supplying bombs to Isreal and do not send anymore US taxpayer dollars to Isreal.

The Looming Famine in Gaza And How to Stop It  By

The Flag of Genacide – 30,000+ Palestinians murdered by the Isreali military  (mostly women and children with no connection to Hamas)  Netanyahu – are you a wantabe Hitler?

Please Mr. Netanyahu consider suicide and end your life and the slander of innocent people in Gaza.  I know that you have not reached your goal of killing/starving to death 2 million human beings in Gaza.  But think what you are doing to Brand Jewish – anti-Semitism will become worldwide as people think all Jews are like you.  You are a disgrace to the God of Abraham.  Judaism was never meant to be about killing and starving to death 2 million people … I know you have not been as successful as Hitler … but you certainly are channeling him.  So, give it some thought and take your life before you kill more people … Do it for the Jewish people – they do not need to have to answer for your genocide for the next 100 years.

The Flag of Nazis  Germany below … a reported 6 million killed (not all Jews).  Netanyahu:  Is your goal to kill and or starve to death all 2 milion Palistinians in Gaza so you can take over the Land?  What goes on in your brain? … Just curious.  Judism is not zionism … I get it.  Most Jewish people I have met respect human life and do not beleive that the hair of a Jew is worth 1 milion Arab lives.  Netanyahu – you have forever tarnished Brand Jew.  Stop your madness – you are a wantabe Hitler.

Did you see 60 minutes tonight (2/25/2025)?  You seem to be channeling Hitler – doing what Hitler did to Jewish people pre WWII  – you are now doing to the Palestinian humans in Gaza – only with 2000 lb. bombs (supplied by US taxpayer dollars) and a program of mass starvation.  You deserve to rot in Hell and think you and your followers are a disgrace to the religion of Abraham.  Zionism does not equal Judism – and I have even been called anti-semitic for saying this.  Hope you rot in Hell you F-ing Bastard.

Netanyahu = War criminal that you clearly are.  Do what is right and commit suicide Now – Hitler did it … you can too.  You are a disgrace to the Jewish faith and model for what Judaism should not stand for.  Do you wish anti-Semitism to continue for another 100 years?  You and your killing/starvation of Palestinians will keep anti-Semitism alive.  What goes on in your mind? Consider taking your own Life now before you kill more human beings – women and children with no connection to HAMAS.  Just some advice from an old Bob in San Francisco, CA.

Netanyahu  b. 1949 … 3 wives, 3 kids (Source:

1200 Isreali’s killed by HAMAS – but you, Mr. Netanyahu have commanded the killing of over 30,000 Arabs in Gaza and still counting.  Take the only honorable way out and end your Life,  Hitler did it, so can you.  Do it for all the Jews around the World that now will have to deal with the anti-semitism you have created and have forever discredeted the Jewish faith.  1 hair of a Jew is worth 1 million Arab lives?  Is that how you want to go down in history?   Zionism is not what the Jewish faith should be associated with.  Consider, Pease.  Do the right thing.

Gaza and the End of the Rules-Based Order What the Israel-Hamas War Means for the Future of Human Rights and International Law   

Should Netanyahu be tried as a war criminal?

For the genacide he ordered/commanded of over 26000 Palestinians (mostly women and children with no connection to Hamas) – all being murdered/starved to death using US taxpayer supplied bombs.

Should Netanyahu be tried as a war criminal?  Will he not be satisfied till he has killed or starved to death all 2 million Palestinians in Gaza?  Has ordered the killing of over 25,000 in Gaza and going strong. A war criminal?   For sure in my Book. What is his plan? Get rid of all Arabs in Gaza so Israeli Jews can use the land to build Jewish beach resorts and expand Jewish settlements in Gaza?  That is what many in his party seem to want to do.
Even the NYTimes today (2/7/2024) had a story about the IMF soldiers gleefully destroying houses in Gaza.

Israeli  “settlers” are murdering people on the West Bank with impunity.  I say you, Mr. Netanyahu you need a ticket straight to Hell.  You are old … give it up you Bastard.  Hair of a Jew … the Zionist project is past it’s time …. just an opinion from an old Bob in the Bayview of San Francisco, CA

NYTimes (2/1/2024) Opinion piece by Serge Schmemann says that Netanyahu is not a man for our times – and only is interested in staying in power politically.  I say Fuck the Bastard and try him as the War criminal that he is.  What goes on in his mind I wonder.

“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail,” said Rabbi Yaacov Perrin in his eulogy of Dr. Baruch Goldstein (news article, Feb. 28). The original Hebraic phraseology comes from the Midrash to Deuteronomy which, typically, elaborates on the sparse biblical description of the death of Moses.

1200 people in Israel killed, over 25,000 Arabs killed in Gaza (using USA supplied bombs) … where does it end? – does the Bastard have a plan?  born 21 October 1949 – must be 70+  by now … Netanyahu … have you thought of committing suicide?  Think it would be a blessing to the world and the God of Abraham.  Not sure if you are destined for Heaven or the other place … but you have blood on your hands.  I only wish that you would take the only honorable way out and end you existence on this planet – killing over 25000 people in Gaza is a record for mass murder only exceeded by Hitler and he did the suicide thing – I hear at age 56.

Is Netanyahu the New Hitler? – exterminating over 25,000+ Palestinian women and children in Gaza.  What is going on in his mind?  Does he think 2000 lb. bombs (supplied by US taxpayer dollars) is going to destroy HAMAS?  He is obviously a war criminal that needs to be … don’t go there – thank God this website is not controlled by the Zuckaberger censors.

What is the bastard’s game plan?  On the East Bank, “settlers” are killing Arabs at will with USA supplied arms.  Where does it go from here?  Sad.

And then there is the issue of Israeli army killing Israeli civilians that were Hamas hostages – does Netanyahu take any responsibility for this?  Probably not as he is guarded 24/7.

I say Fuck you, Netanyahu and hope you rot in Hell.

Has anyone in the US National Security state thought of taking him out?  His group believes that the hair of one Jew is worth 1 million Arab lives. How does it all end?  What is the Plan?

25K plus women and Children killed in Gaza and the prospect of mass starvation – does the guy have any humanity ? – or is he channeling Hitler with a plan to exterminate all Arabs in Gaza? ... courtesy of US taxpayer $ supplied weapons.  My message to the US security state … consider your options – you were not sucessful in killing  Castro … but the mess in the Middle East?  Are you up to the challenge?  No matter who is elected USA president next year – a joke we all know, pretend democracy- Crips vs. bloods comes to mind with the polititions lining thier pockets and leaving family legacies … Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden are prime examples.  Are you up to the challenge?  Here is looking to you, Mr. Smart guys in the National Security State?  I hope so.  

And then the in PONTUS Biden who cannot even remember when he was Vice President.  The question in my mind is who are the pupput masters proping him up.  Hell, he cannot even do a live Press Confence.  And he wants to run for another 4 years.  Give me a Break …. and they call this democracy.

I am even called anti-semitic (name calling is not an argument in my Book) by some Jewish folks in Isreal for even questioning what  Netanyahu and the Israeli army is doing to actual human beings in Gaza.  I say the Zionist project is way past it’s time.

Why did no one stop this?  Biden – what will you be remembered for in  your role in the Gaza genocide?

Sincerly,  Bob in San Franciso

Anyone see the Feb4 article in the about CNN becoming the PR arm of the Israeli governemt?  CNN staff say network’s pro-Israel slant amounts to ‘journalistic malpractice’

Inside Gaza: From Paradise to Rubble  from BY JACLYNN ASHLY